In the Shadows – Learning about Bigfoot - Article 53
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- Category: Democrat-Journal Articles
- Published: Wednesday, 30 March 2022 19:31
- Written by Super User
- Hits: 1521
Most folks think that what they watch on television these days is what Bigfoot is all about or does while in the woods. A lot of what is on television is just for entertainment value and is usually highly exaggerated, the same can be said for most podcasts out there about Bigfoot.
People ask me all the time, questions about Bigfoot behavior, their anatomy and more on a daily basis. I usually refer them to one of the websites I have put together or to learn more about what is actually known about Bigfoot. What is actually known about Bigfoot??? Zilch, nothing, nada. We only assume that Bigfoot is hairy, got a big foot, and is tall. If anything, these are only assumptions that we have from years of sighting reports and research in the field.
The Oklahoma Bigfoot Symposium is also a great way to learn more about Bigfoot, held this March 12th and 13th at CC Camp south of Stilwell, the researchers will talk about what they have encountered in the field, or at least what is speculated to be Bigfoot-related, and attempt to show folks that what they see on television or hear on podcasts are usually highly exaggerated.
One podcast in particularly, has made a name for itself by proclaiming that Bigfoot is a monster that will attack you without provocation and endorses fear into their audience from even being in the woods, let alone in your own yard at night.
Now I’m not saying Bigfoot is not aggressive, I’m sure that Bigfoot are like humans, we have our bad apples and our good apples, and even then, a good apple could be just having a bad day and when someone crosses them, they nearly get their arm torn off. Who is to say, until we actually have live Bigfoot in captivity to study them, what they will do when encountering people, although for the majority of sighting reports, it appears that the Bigfoot do their best to avoid a confrontation with humans and try to go the opposite direction. But there is always the chance you encounter a mother and her baby, and like any animal, a mother will kill to protect her baby. I highly recommend that if you ever encounter a juvenile Bigfoot, do not approach it and high-tail it in the opposite direction, or mama may tear your arm off and beat you with it.
So come on out folks to the Oklahoma Bigfoot Symposium next month, listen to the researchers, check out some of the casts of Bigfoot prints and buy copies of them that will be for sale, check out some of the Bigfoot-related vendors and even check out some of the books that will be for sale. There will be lots to do, and it will be more than worth the price of admission. For more details check out for more details.