In the Shadows – Holiday Research Part 2 - Article 49
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- Category: Democrat-Journal Articles
- Published: Wednesday, 30 March 2022 19:25
- Written by Super User
- Hits: 1330
Last week’s article discussed the freezing temperature where two researchers lost facial hair. Other incidents that weekend made it worth the cold temperatures, as the first night, after all the researchers had climbed into their tents, about an hour later, footsteps were heard walking through the middle of camp, followed by something messing with the pots and pans underneath the cooking canopy. Now a lot of times this would have just been attributed to racoons messing around, but the footsteps then continued from there, past my tent, and then a slap, followed by some inaudible gibberish. This was all caught on tape that night, and speculation was that possibly two Bigfoot had come through camp, and one of them had been messing around under the canopy and made that noise, in which as they walked away, the other Bigfoot slapped the noise maker for doing that.
The next night, a tarp had been added to the canopy on one side to block the ice-cold wind beating down on the researchers, and this afforded some of the researchers a blind to watch the field adjacent to the camp, and this gave them an excellent view of a Bigfoot crawling through the field towards the camp. As they watched the Bigfoot, suddenly it appeared it was aware it was being watched as from the other side of camp, a multi-animal vocalization sounded off as if to distract those researchers from watching the one in the field. This vocalization went from a dove, to a coyote, to a turkey to an owl among other animals. All in one vocalization. Well, the researchers maintained watching the one crawling, while other researchers began watching the opposite side of camp to see if the creature on that side might show itself.
The creature crawling stopped and just lay there, so another researcher who was there from another group announced that he would run towards it and see if he could spook it into jumping up and running. As he got into position to run across the field at the prone Bigfoot, everyone was ready to video the Bigfoot should it stand up. Off went the researcher, running as fast as he could towards it, and had reached the half-way mark when the loudest vocalization that sounded bigger than a lion roaring stopped the researcher dead in his tracks, causing him to do an about face and running high-speed back to the safety of camp. Unable to keep from laughing at the incident, the researchers lost site of the crawling Bigfoot, and it was assumed that once everyone’s attention focused on the running researcher making his retreat, that it had managed its getaway.
During the day during this expedition, 3 researchers had encountered a Bigfoot down in an area of old abandoned strip mines, but that is a story for another day. Happy New Year everyone, stay safe and we hope 2022 is going to be a better year than 2021.