A camp visitor or two
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- Category: Uncategorised
- Published: Sunday, 28 July 2024 22:13
- Written by Super User
- Hits: 3477
While going through the vast archives of Bigfoot material that is hosted on the MABRC Cloud File Server, I discovered some audio recordings that had been archived without going through them. I know, bad D.W., bad.
This event discussed here occurred September 28-29, 2017 at the MABRC Research Area known as "The Crossing", it leads up into "The Valley" research area. Dave "Squatchfinder" Ganote and myself were going to conduct a listening post the night of the 28th, into the morning of the 29th, and then head into town for breakfast. As usual when it's just Squatchfinder and myself, instead of setting up tents and air mattresses and all that, we usually just climb into our vehicles when we get tired and sleep in them.
On this night, we had built a fire, to illuminate the fact that we were there for any Bigfoot in the area in hopes that they would get curious and come out of the valley and we could get thermal of them. As we got tired, I set up the thermal on it's pole and pointed it into the valley, letting it record all night in case something came out.
I also set an audio recorder on the back of the cab of my truck so it would record audio all night while we sat around the campfire and then while we were asleep.
After I climbed in the back seat of my truck (an extended cab Dodge) you can hear my soft snoring on the recording when I fell asleep.
The recorder began picking up sticks and branches being broke nearby, this started about 51 minutes after I turned in, you can hear my faint snoring while the branches are being snapped. I'm going to add a few files here to show what the recorder was picking up.
Tree Breaking at the 1 hour mark
Whatever it was, was still messing in the woods around us 4 hours and 20 minutes later.
After about 6 hours and 39 minutes, something appears to be thrown through the branches of several trees, it's not heard landing on the recording, but there were soft patches of sand and grass around the area that might have dampered the noise of impact.
Now this next file is over 5 minutes long, I wanted to give enough audio before and after so that you can hear what is going on before and after. At 7 hours and 17 minutes, there is something on two legs that comes out and walks right beside my truck, and what makes it a little numbing, is that Squatchfinder and I both sleep in our vehicles with the windows down, unless it's really cold, then we leave them cracked so we can hear what's going on around us. After about a minute after the sounds of the first footsteps, another set of footsteps is heard on the recorded audio, whether this is the same individual or a second one, we can't really know. From the sounds of all the activity, whatever it was, came up behind my vehicle, which was pointed frontwards towards "The Valley" and the back was up to a tree line.
After this happened, whatever it was that had walked by my truck, was still hanging around until it was almost daylight, as at 7 hours and 27 minutes, it could be heard moving or breaking branches on trees.
Now can I say it was Bigfoot doing all this?? No, while it did happen in an extremely active area, this area also sees a lot of people parking in the general area to smoke weed and drink alcohol. There are only two small roads that lead into the area, and both are where you can see headlights and hear the cars creaking as they go through ruts and mudholes. So chances it was someone playing tricks on us are pretty slim since we would have heard vehicles come down into the area on the recorder.
Now onto listening to the next audio recording.