In the Shadows – A sighting report - Article 12
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- Category: Democrat-Journal Articles
- Published: Wednesday, 30 March 2022 01:58
- Written by Super User
- Hits: 1275
Here is a sighting that occurred just a few years ago here in our area, it was a Pastor who had this encounter after being out in the woods for over 10 years looking for Bigfoot. His disbelief at what he saw is what many witnesses deal with after a sighting. I’ve removed the first several paragraphs to make it able to be fit in this article. For more about the details, visit the MABRC forums at
“We arrived at our new camp sight to discover several cars there. This is a popular swimming hole for local families. Most of the swimmers were just finishing up so we decided to wait and camp there anyway. I had forgotten my folding chair at XXXXXXXXXX and told Dave I was going to go get it and let Carl know where we were camping. It is a very short distance back to XXXXXXXXXX…back up to XXXXXXXXXX Road, turn right and turn right again on the next gravel road.
The sighting occurred almost immediately after I turned onto the road leading to XXXXXXXXXX. It is a straight road until you get to a 45-degree left turn at the camp sites. I looked down the road and saw something standing on the right side of the road (west) at this curve. It was in motion turning from south to east. I do not know if it paused before moving onto the road or if it was one fluid motion, since it happened so quickly. As it started to move it bent down at its waist and tucked its arms to its chest. It reminded me of a football running back clutching a football to his chest. I could not see if it was carrying an infant or food, or if it was injured, or if was just trying to make itself look smaller. I had the impression that it was looking at my car as it crossed the road. After pivoting to the east, the creature took two steps in that bent over position and was out of my sight into the tree line. The creature was a medium brown color, more of a duty and gray brown instead of reddish. About the color or old pine bark.
When I saw the creature, I instinctively started to break. Perhaps I should have gunned the car to get closer instead. When I had come to a halt and the creature was gone I immediately looked for a landmark to calculate distance. My front bumper was parallel with the big tree on the right-hand side of the road that is leaning towards the road. I estimate that it was 300 feet… too great a distance with my eyes to see any details.
After the initial stop of just a few seconds I drove up to the curve where I saw the creature cross. Since the distance was so great, I could not see exactly where it had crossed or if it had crossed straight or angled across the road. I thought that it moved straight across but now I believe that is a mistake. My initial thought (which I maintain) is that the creature started out at the metal gate that goes into the pasture on the west side of the road. I got out of my car and looked for tracks, which I did not see. If the creature moved across the road in a north-easterly direction (which Jim suggested and where the 19-inch track find was) any scuff marks in the gravel or footprints would have been obscured by where I stopped my car.
I did not see any evidence or disturbance where the animal entered the trees and did not here movement. It could have been hiding, watching me, or as fast as it moved, it could have been far away. I returned to my car and drove down to the campsite. I retrieved my chair and informed Carl, James and the others sitting around the fire of the sighting. (Please feel free to corroborate this event with them).
Although I believe it was a Bigfoot, it is hard to come out and say that. For the rest of the day and into Saturday I kept trying to explain it away. Saturday evening, after the symposium, that Big Jim and I went back to do a size comparison and to take pictures.
I returned to the leaning tree and had Big Jim, who is 6’5” tall and who weighs over 300 pounds, bend over and walk across the road. It was only then that the size of this creature was realized. It was easily a third bigger than Jim in height and bulk. Where it took the creature two steps to cross the road, it took Jim six steps and me eight steps. There is nothing that big in the woods of Oklahoma… bear, elk, horse, cow or deer are not that big and are not on two feet. Big Jim was by far the biggest person there and he was too small. In my opinion, the creature must have been nine-feet tall and weighed 500 pounds. Bent over, it was approx. six-feet tall.”