Get your fat ass out in the woods!!
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- Category: Articles
- Published: Saturday, 09 January 2021 03:11
- Written by Super User
- Hits: 1881
Wow, I seem to hear that a lot from people who get offended when I disagree with their "evidence" as not being the ground breaking "bigfoot evidence" that they want people to follow in line with.
Remember the burden of proof post from the other day, if not, you should go read it. I'm not ever going to be a sheeple and believe people have great insight into Bigfoot, or the best evidence ever that makes the PGF look amateurish. Back in May of this year, I found this post on Facebook.
The person who posted it, basically was saying that he knew the female Bigfoot made owl calls, and that he was feeding them in his barn. And I need to point out, "HE SURE ISN'T IN THE WOODS" himself at this point.
So I did a screen capture and posted this in Bigfoot Hoaxers Exposed 2.0 along with my comments below.
Yeah, maybe I should have not been so strong with my comments, but, that is how I am, I call it like I see it these days.
Well he asked to join the Bigfoot Hoaxers Exposed 2.0 Facebook group, and I allowed him in, I don't deny anyone from the group unless they have been found to hoax, then I deny them entry. Now the Bigfoot Hoaxers Exposed 2.0 is a good group to go find out who has been caught hoaxing, who is suspected of hoaxing and even those who have just been outright the worst type of researchers in the Bigfoot community. The reasons are always posted via screen captures to back up what is said about someone hoaxing or just being a bad person in the community.
Now so far I haven't mentioned the name of the person, and I won't, but here is his response to what was posted about his comments, despite the fact that everyone else had posted maps showing Barred owls and their range easily covered most of the United States.