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- Category: Articles
- Published: Wednesday, 30 March 2022 20:52
- Written by Super User
- Hits: 1435
The MABRC has adopted the statement written by Grant Wilson of Ghosthunters fame when it comes to a form of photo misidentification know as Matrixing. When most pictures are put forward and are Blobsquatches, it’s usually due to matrixing or paraedolia as it’s also known.The statement is shown below and has been modified to suit the Bigfoot Community instead of the Ghost Hunting Community it was originally written for.
“In analyzing the evidence presented to you, you must scrutinize every detail before calling it possible evidence. One major mistake made by both amateur and experienced analysts and researchers alike is the case of matrixing.
Matrixing is a term used to describe the human mind's natural tendency to find familiar shapes in complex shapes or colors. In other words, finding a face in the shapes and shadows of a collection of objects.
Ever sit back on the grass as a child and watch the clouds roll through the sky, pointing out the shapes of rabbits or dragons? How about the man in the moon? There really isn't the face of a man on the moon. It is the complex pattern of craters and ravines that causes our mind to form a face. This is matrixing.
Matrixing can be deceiving, but if it were not for this ability, we wouldn't be able to recognize each other. In fact, it is due to the effects of matrixing that we are able to recognize varying types of fonts. If our minds weren't able to distinguish the subtle nuances of each letter then, we would only be able to read one font.
Unfortunately, it is also matrixing which causes people to see Bigfoot in branches, bushes, shadows and other foliage.
So, matrixing exists and is a big problem in the Bigfoot Community. What then, can we do about it? Here are a few ways to identify it and eliminate it before someone else does, and ends up ruining your credibility.
-First, look at the type of photograph you are analyzing. Pictures of trees, fields, bushes, and shadows are a few of the prime candidates for matrixing issues. They include very complex shapes and patterns, therefore, a high potential for the mind to construct a face or body out of something that isn't there.
-Second, look at the potential face or figure. If it's truly a Bigfoot, it would be made up of it's own material, not the material that is comprising the picture. Let me explain; if the picture is of a forest, and your mind tells you that there is a face in it. Look to see if the face is made up of the branches and leaves from the trees in the picture, or if the face is separated from them and a completely separate material from the trees.
-Third, once you have eliminated the top two issues, look at the face or figure. Look at the proportions of the face. Are they 'cartoony' and disproportionate or are they realistic?
Once you have taken the above steps, you may have something worth looking at. Now you just have to determine if the picture is of a real creature or if it was faked.
So, don't succumb to the rising trend of matrixing a creature out of every picture that is taken. Take the time to scrutinize the evidence before someone else does and comes to the conclusion that you've just got an over-active imagination. Please consider matrixing before you present evidence to the Bigfoot Community and preserve your credibility.”