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- Category: Articles
- Published: Wednesday, 30 March 2022 20:46
- Written by Super User
- Hits: 1480
There are many instances of intimidation used by Bigfoot on researchers. The list is long and will be continued to be added to as new forms of intimidation are encountered.
1. Bluff charges, like a Bull Gorilla does in the wild.
2. Rock throwing, while accurate, a Bigfoot rarely hits humans with the rocks, although they will place them very close proximity if you don’t get the message the first few times they throw them at you.
3. Tree shaking,, that will sway back and forth, sometimes snapping the tree from the force of the shaking.
4. Limb breaking,, occurs quite frequently when the Bigfoot are attempting to let you know you are in their area.
5. Wood knocking, is also suspected of being a form of communication for hunting and for locating other members of the troop.
6. Vocalizations, usually this is one of the last resort methods, as it gives them away based on the sounds they create.
7. Stick/log throwing, same as rocks, if they wanted to hit you, they would have, but they will place the stick or log in close proximity to you.
8. Stare down, usually occurs when you come across a Bigfoot unexpectantly. When this does occur, remember one of the major DON’T rules, never look them in the eye, as it possibly will be taken as a challenge to them.
Several MABRC Researchers have been the recipient of bluff charges and have also been escorted out of areas by Bigfoot using many of these intimidation tactics. If you should ever encounter this type of behavior from the Bigfoot, slowly and deliberately walk out of the area, avoiding the temptation to run or show any fear. While it’s obvious you will have fear in you, showing it too much could bring on the Bigfoot’s predatory instincts and cause them to rush you.
If this should occur with another researcher with you, you should calmly walk out of the area together, occasionally looking back over your shoulder with quick glances, never turn around and stand your ground, as this could be considered a challenge. Only attempt this if you are an experienced researcher and prepared for the consequences of your actions.
Some researchers attempt to draw out the Bigfoot through this type of research, however it is not recommended that this be tried due to the fact that Bigfoot behavior is still unknown to the extent what they will do in response to challenges.