The numbers don't add up!!
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- Category: Uncategorised
- Published: Friday, 26 July 2024 21:37
- Written by Super User
- Hits: 3263
Over the last 10 years, the numbers of YouTube channels that are posting videos related to sightings has caused a tremendous issue for the Bigfoot Community and it's credibility to the scientific community. What's that issue, D.W.? Well let's just answer that question. The numbers of these "sightings" does not match up to the possible numbers of the Bigfoot population. It's impossible that we have a sizable Bigfoot population that matches up to the number of Bigfoot sightings that these YouTube channels keep popping out like an assembly line.
Let's take the following numbers here, that Trevor Wheelwright put together in his article you can find here.
These sightings were taken from reports to the BFRO that have been published on their public website, and even when you add all the other websites out there collecting sighting reports like NAWAC, MABRC, GCBRO, OregonBigfoot and the many smaller groups out there, these numbers are unlikely to increase by more than two in any given state.
Yet if you add all the so-called sightings from YouTube channels, where they tend to add a huge degree of sensationalism to the stories they tell, those numbers would likely have to increase by 1000 fold.
If this is the case, and here is another map showing Bigfoot sightings in the United States from the BFRO database, the number of Bigfoot in the Continental United States would have to number at least one million Bigfoot to be able to produce that many sightings.
Just looking at the dots on the map above, a large majority of these reported sightings are occurring in areas where Bigfoot could not possibly co-exist with humanity without a body being recovered. Now trust me when I say, I believe Bigfoot exists, I've had encounters with them in highly active research areas, but these areas were in rural areas with large acreage of woods. I'm just very skeptical of the number of "sightings" being claimed by people.
Once again, Trevor ran the numbers so let's take a look at the Bigfoot sightings by state and the human population for each.
These numbers would probably fit in with a Bigfoot/Sasquatch population equal to 10,000 animals, which is what I've heard Dr. Meldrum say that is a logical number, and I agree.
Take New York for example, there are 113 Bigfoot sightings, while it's assumed that these were more likely from upstate where the population of humans is significantly decreased, there are more and more reports being generated within Central Park in New York City, where people are very likely experiencing mental health issues and seeing things.
There is no way a Bigfoot would be able to even get to Central Park with all the human habitat, not to mention the fact that there is no real place for one to hunker down at with all the trails and numbers of people that visit the park. The park itself is a half mile wide by 2.5 miles long, and a good part of it is taken by four small lakes, multiple baseball diamonds and quite a few roads and trails. It's mind boggling when I see someone post about having a sighting in Central Park.
The presence of these YouTube channels, who are just muddying the water for real research have become the biggest bane for researchers. Don't report sightings to them, report your sightings to the bigger Bigfoot groups, like the BFRO, NAWAC, GCBRO, and the MABRC. The MABRC has long committed to combining these databases with those of groups who no longer exist, to save this information for posterity's sake. Reporting your sighting to a YouTuber, or even a Facebook page or group, does not allow your sighting to be saved for future reference.
There are those who claim that their sightings are usually dismissed outright for being unbelievable, you have to stop and realize that most of the above mentioned groups who take sighting reports are based on the fact that Bigfoot is flesh and blood, and nothing supernatural about them, they don't cloak, they don't use portals, they don't zap people with infrasound, so if you include that information in your sighting report, it usually gets laid aside as being a WOO sighting report.
Above all else folks, the numbers do not add up, the number of sightings seems to always increase when there is a popular Bigfoot TV show on, and this includes Mountain Monsters, people have to understand, these shows are made for entertainment value only and most of the information they claim on there is just made up to increase the entertainment value.