As seen on TV
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Published: Friday, 26 July 2024 20:43
Written by Super User
Hits: 2988

With TV shows like Finding Bigfoot and Expedition Bigfoot, they tend to show that there is something happening every minute of the show, and when they claim something happens, they act like it's a huge thing.
Unfortunately, for those who watch these shows and then go out in the woods to try and do their own research, they tend to believe that something has to happen the entire time they are out there, and that is the farthest thing from the truth. I've been out on listening posts with audio and thermal equipment on three different occasions in the last few weeks, and out of those three times, I only heard vocalizations on one of them, and even then they were faint and far from where I was at. Doing field research means that at times, you can go for quite a few times in the woods without something Bigfoot related happening. There have been times in my research that I've went for nearly a year without anything happening, then one time I go out and BOOM!! lot's of Bigfoot-related activity occurs. If you go out every time you go into the woods and claim something happens that is Bigfoot, you really need to re-examine your approach and skepticism. The odds of you having all this activity even in a highly active area is trillions-to-one, it's just not going to happen to have activity every time you go out. For those YouTubers and Facebook Bigfoot Celebs that will try to convince you that they are so good, that they can find Bigfoot every time they go out, they are full of it. The good researchers, the ones who have been doing this for years, they know different, lots of time just sitting around waiting for something to happen, and then once in a great while, something does.
To illustrate, I am putting the posts made on Facebook for each occasion here so that you can understand what I'm trying to say.
8-2-2024 - This night my wife and I went out and set up a listening post at the city lake, which is about 10 miles from town as the crow flies, the point being that we would sit at a good position that would let us scan most of the shoreline with the thermal, in hopes of catching wildlife (Bigfoot included) getting drinks. We sat there for several hours and the only thing heard besides the frogs and crickets, were barking dogs about a mile away, and then some racoons getting into it near where we were sitting at. Afterwards, we drove down about 5 miles of dirt roads on the way out with the thermal scanning the woods on the driver's side of the truck, no sign of deer, which was really weird since we seldom, if ever, do not see at least one or two deer when we do that.
Most of the animals are moving down closer to the water with the drought conditions, we just have to figure out which water source they are using.
Here is part of the Thermal Footage from 8-2-2024, at the Stilwell, OK city lake, it's actually out in a rural area away from town. It shows us driving over the dam for the lake, and as a side note, there have been multiple sightings of Bigfoot here. Below the dam, witnesses observed a large shaggy creature standing at the pump station for the city lake underneath an outside light, speculation is that maybe it was trying to snag bats as they swooped down to get bugs flying around the light.
Another incident occurred at the dam as witnesses described seeing an upright furry creature bolt across the road on the south-end of the dam into the woods beyond.
And one unforgettable sighting occurred when a couple was parked along the shoreline and while in the backseat making out, the woman looked up to see the white bigfoot looking through the back window at them. When she screamed, the man looked up to see the Bigfoot scampering away into the woods.
So for those who may want to watch the thermal footage, as we drive, we usually try to do under 10 miles an hour so it don't get blurry on the video, sometimes though, it's hard to slow down when going down a hill.
8-7-2024 - Squatchfinder and I went out for the night at The Crossing, setting up a listening post along the creek there, the water was running enough to make the water clear, so we hoped to see some wildlife, including Bigfoot come down to drink after dark. Using thermals, audio recorders and our own eyes and ears, we sat for nearly 5 hours before climbing into our vehicles about midnight to get some shut eye and every so often, since our windows were down, we would scan the creek bed and the opposite bank for any activity.
Some notable events that happened, about 11 PM, someone to the north of us, rapid fired a rifle about 20 times. Later about 1 AM, the same rifle was fired about a dozen times in rapid fire from what appeared to be in the valley beyond the Crossing.
Vocalizations were heard about 4 AM in the Valley, not sure if the audio recorders picked it up, but it was audible enough to make out with the human ear.
There was movement through the trees behind the vehicles for a part of the night, with several snapped limbs and what sounded like a small tree being pushed down.
About 2 AM, someone came down in the area with a Side by side UTV and stopped before coming up to the vehicles, turning around and going around to the other side of the gravel bar where they sit for about 10 minutes before zooming out of the area. The UTV driver I suspect is a former MABRC member who keeps sneaking into my research areas, something that he does to everyone that let's him know where their research areas are located at.
The audio review will be done this weekend and if anything good was captured, I will post it here and on The Bigfoot Field Guide website.
8-9-2024 - Cherokee Rose and I went out to sit at the crossing, the water there is still flowing enough that the water is good to drink for the local wildlife. Using the thermals, we watched the length of the creek to see if we could spot anything, while we had an audio recorder going on top of the truck to hopefully catch any vocalizations. After several hours, we decided to cross into the Valley and set up deeper in the woods beyond the crossing. There was a lot of damage from previous flooding in the area, with trees pushed aside along the trail going in. With the audio recorder going, and the thermal recording, we sat for several hours before heading back in. No animals moving in the area, likely they are moving in the very early hours of morning like they have done in the past on expeditions in the area. The Bigfoot usually travel up this one creek bed that bends around that area and pops out on the main creek, we've heard them early in the morning as they would work their way around the camp there. Needless to say, with the drought conditions, unless they've found a good watering hole that hasn't dried up, this area is our best bet to see any creatures trying to stay hydrated.
This follows along with what happened with Ghosthunters when they first came out, people thought that something happened every time they did an investigation, and that it would happen to them too when they did investigations. It wasn't until the second season of Ghosthunters that it came out that a lot of hoaxing was happening to make the show more exciting and entertaining. Don't fall into this trap, do not make things up to make it exciting for your followers, it just hurts the Bigfoot Community and any credibility we hope to establish with the scientific community and proving that Bigfoot exists.